
Marketing Controlling

Marketing costs are taking up a big part of a company’s total spending and have become heavily based on data. Lots of data comes from different sources, but it is often not used. Marketing controlling, a way to manage and lower these costs, has become really important. It is data-driven, helps make better decisions, and ensures marketing resources are used more efficiently businesses.

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Visualize marketing data available

Qmantic can combine data from your marketing channels, email campaigns and web tracking system to give you a comprehensive overview on reach, contacts and followers, as well as spend, clicks and conversions of your campaigns. Moreover, this will enable you to identify improvement potential and compare the performance of different campaigns and channels.

A close-up of a hand pointing at a tablet computer screen displays the Billings Dashboard.

Complete end-to-end marketing funnel

Linking the ad or the visual to MQL, SQL and Sales opportunity is not enough. Data from the ERP needs to be added in order to identify the source of the customer. Based on this combined data, Qmantic will provide you with cohort analysis that features breakdowns by different customer origins and fine-grained customer segmentation.

Aligning sales and marketing activities

Marketing and sales teams need to work together in order for the company to be successful. But this is not always the case, e.g., because of different mindsets, unaligned goals, or unclear interfaces. Furthermore, having unified reporting and looking at the same dashboards can help create a mutual understanding. Qmantic can provide you with unified reporting which improves alignment.

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